Jun 072012

Of course, Summer is hot in Saigon (average high 89.7 F).

But then so is Winter (89.2 F) and Fall (88.1 F).  And Spring in Saigon is very hot! (93.5 F).

So what’s so unique about Summer in Saigon?  Well, Summer is the time when it can be both HOT and WET – it’s the beginning of

 The RAINY SEASON in Saigon!

So, if you have a dripping rain poncho hanging in your bathroom or on your balcony -everyday; or if huge rain pellets pierce your face as you ride down the street on your motorbike; or if 12 – 18 inches of flooded street water threatens to enter your motorbike’s muffler; or if a crashing lightening bolt has blown the fuses in your apartment (advice: unplug your laptop!), then the odds are good that you’re enjoying Saigon in the Rainy Season.

This month, June, we can count on 19 rainy days and over 12 inches of rain!  And during the next three months, we’ll expect to enjoy over 22 rainy days each month!  So, searching for that special and unique Saigon Street Food experience in the coming months can involve an even greater degree of adventure!  EXAMPLE:

Take a peak at this Saigon Weather Chart and you’ll understand a bit more clearly what’s going on here.

BUT, the numbers don’t exactly tell the whole story.

What is not obvious is that the searing Rainy Season heat usually comes quite early in the day – maybe 11 am or noon.  Then, typically, the clouds begin building more and more each hour until the floodgates suddenly open (hopefully not while your sitting in that outdoor cafe reading Paradise of the Blind) and drench you under the day’s deluge.

Saigon's Rainy Season

The Day's "Weather" Approaches!

But, along with that cloudburst come the cooling breezes and the day’s fresh air.  And everything is cleansed of the city’s grime.  The gardens and parks are wet, lush and beautiful. And those magnificent buffy nimbo-cumulous clouds drift across the blue sky (perhaps preparing for the afternoon’s next downpour?)

Saigon's Weather

Saigon's Rainy Season - Between the Downpours

And when the sun does blaze down again, the city flocks to the local street vendors for a refreshing dừa tấc. A delicious coconut juice drink spiked with a twist of nước ep quả tắc (similar to tangerine juice), sugar, a pinch of salt, and ice).  Hai and my personal favorite dừa tấc  vendor is on Pasteur Street (street number about # 254), open from 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Dừa Tắc Vendor on Pasteur Street

Our favorite Dừa Tắc vendor on Pasteur Street

So, how can you best enjoy the Rainy Season in Saigon?  “When in Rome (or Saigon), Do as the …”

Join a badminton game in the park …  cool off in an over-crowded pool with the locals … find your Saigon Rainy Season romance 🙂 … enjoy some of the most interesting and delicious food on the planet (including a cool coconut juice drink) … and, of course,

Learn to love the rain and invest in a high-quality rain poncho

Joe - Slightly pathetic in a fashion-less rain poncho

Joe - Slightly pathetic in a fashion-less rain poncho


 June 7, 2012

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